无论飞机大小,乘坐私人飞机总是一种奢侈. 然而,最好的私人飞机非常豪华,也非常昂贵. Here’s a look at the most expensive private jet in the world.

The most expensive private jet in the world

无论飞机大小,乘坐私人飞机总是一种奢侈. 然而,最好的私人飞机非常豪华,也非常昂贵. Here’s a look at the most expensive private jet in the world.

The Airbus A380 as a commercial aircraft

Commercial Airbus A380 in flight mode
Commercial Airbus A380 in flight mode

标志性的空客A380是一架双层客机,最多可搭载800名乘客. Measuring 262 feet from wing-tip to wing-tip, 世界上最大的客机由四个劳斯莱斯发动机提供动力. 这架被称为超大型喷气式飞机的巨型飞机目前的标价是432美元.6 million.

Emirates is the biggest supporter of the Airbus A380, with over 100 in its fleet, 展示商用A380的潜力,提供一流的头等舱服务. The Emirates A380 boasts opulent first-class suites, each with three windows, a table 和 seats that convert into full beds. It also features an upstairs bar 和 lounge with LED mood lighting, 无线网络, entertainment screens 和 a luxurious shower spa. 商务舱的乘客可以享受真皮座椅和私人迷你酒吧, 而两个全长甲板有一个大的经济部分的宽尺寸.

但空客A380的特别之处并不仅仅在于它的尺寸和别致的内饰. The aircraft boasts relatively low fuel consumption, as well as reduced carbon dioxide 和 nitrogen oxide emissions. Thanks to its advanced wind 和 l和ing gear design, the A380 is also quieter than most aircraft, allowing it to l和 at airports with strict noise regulations.

The turbulent history of the Airbus A380

尽管有这么多优点,但事实证明,作为一种商用客机,空客A380销售缓慢. 这架飞机有超过500个座位,很难坐满,这通常会让航空公司付出代价. 小, 像波音梦幻客机或空客A350这样更容易填充的机型现在已经成为更有吸引力的选择. 2017年,新加坡航空公司宣布不再续签空客a380的10年租约.

However, at the last minute, Portuguese airline Hi Fly snapped up 这使新加坡航空成为首家使用二手A380的航空公司. 这架飞机有471个座位,分布在三个舱位上,其中60个商务舱座位和12个头等舱套房, including a cabin with a full double bed.

In August, Emirates also agreed to buy 36 more Airbus planes, meaning Airbus will continue producing the jets for another decade. 这使得阿联酋航空成为巨无霸飞机的最大买家,拥有总股份的一半. Since purchasing their first Airbus A380 a decade ago, Emirates has flown over 80 million passengers in its fleet.

The Airbus A380 as a private jet

有足够预算购买豪华私人飞机的旅行者不必担心他们的空客A380飞机会被填满. With many nearing the end of their 10-year commercial leases, 经销商们希望看到这些飞机以超豪华的姿态获得新生 private jets.

2017年5月欧洲公务航空会议及展览会(EBACE), resell firm Sparfell & 合作伙伴宣布,将对四架前新加坡航空公司的空客a380进行改装,并向私人飞机客户推销. The aircraft are currently laid out in a 471-seat configuration.

According to an interview with aviation intelligence company FlightGlobal, Sparfell & Partners plans to convert three of the four aircraft into a VVIP layout with two options: a VVIP conversion on the upper deck with an airline configuration on the lower deck; 和 a VVIP configuration on both decks. 伦敦Winch设计公司的任务是将这种飞机从商用客机改造成超豪华的私人飞机.

而A380有可能将私人飞机旅行推向新的高度, this fantasy has yet to become a reality. 亿万富翁沙特王子Alwaleed bin Talal-al Saud在2007年因订购一架空客A380作为私人飞机而登上头条. 有报道称,哈里王子计划为这架飞机配备20间特等舱, a marble Turkish hammam, 他的劳斯莱斯的停车位和自动转向麦加的电子祈祷垫. 然而,这笔交易从未通过,A380被卖给了另一个买家.

The Airbus A380 may be the world’s biggest, most expensive jet, but what if you’re looking for something smaller? 下面就让我们来看看价格不菲的中型和轻型豪华飞机.

Embraer Legacy 500

 An Embraer Legacy 500 with a registration of N895EE on the runway
An Embraer Legacy 500 with a registration of N895EE on the runway

The midsize Embraer Legacy 500 launched in 2008 和 costs $20 million. At 68 feet long 和 21 feet tall, 这架飞机是同级别飞机中第一架有6英尺高的天花板和平地板而不是脚舱的飞机. 巴西航空工业公司还拥有同级别中最好的客舱增压和先进的数字电传飞行控制系统. Powered by two Honeywell turbofan engines, the jet has a range of 3,000 nautical miles 和 is the fastest in its class, capable of flying non-stop between LA 和 New York with 12 passengers.

Kung Fu movie star Jackie Chan 2013年成为巴西航空工业公司莱格赛500在中国的第一个客户. The customized interior of his jet has a light-wood finish, 无线网络 和 an in-flight entertainment system with surround sound. Chan famously owns a small fleet of Embraer planes, 包括一个650的模型,侧面画着一条独特的红黄相间的龙. While the star uses his Embraer 650 for international flights, the 500 is perfect to travel on shorter trips in 中国, with a bathroom 和 seats that convert into a bed.

Honda HondaJet HA-420

A HondaJet HA-420, registration N542MP on the runway
A HondaJet HA-420, registration N542MP on the runway

Although its price tag pales in comparison to heavy jets, 本田喷气机HA-420是市场上最昂贵的轻型喷气机之一, costing $5 million. 这架飞机是本田飞机公司生产的第一架飞机,花了30年的时间才进入市场. 这架飞机翼展39英尺,最多可搭载6名乘客,航程1300英里. The HondaJet has a bathroom 和 the cabin features large windows, 无线网络 和 a touchscreen cabin-control system.

What makes the HondaJet HA-420 unique is its distinctive sharp nose, which was apparently inspired by a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes, 和 its revolutionary engine mounts. Rather than placing the HF120 turbofan engines on the main fuselage, 本田喷气机的发动机安装在机翼上方,以减少机舱噪音,增加内部空间.

2018年,本田将其最新版本的飞机HondaJet Elite推向市场. This model has an auxiliary fuel tank 和 reduced weight, 航程增加了17%,这意味着它可以从伦敦直飞巴塞罗那和雷克雅未克等欧洲目的地. The HondaJet Elite is priced at $5.25 million.

Fancy flying in your own private jet, but don’t want the costs or maintenance associated with owning one? Contact us at Air Charter Service to arrange a private jet charter 我们将帮助您决定哪架飞机最适合您的旅程.

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